Below is an outline of the grammar topics covered in each chapter of the textbook "Ciao" - sixth edition.
Chapter 1
The verb “to be” (essere)
“there is” and” there are” (C’e', Ci sono)
Nouns: gender of nouns, making nouns plural
Definite and indefinite articles (a /the)
Interrogative Expressions (Espressioni interrogative)
Chapter 2
The verb “to have” (to have)
Idiomatic expressions with “avere”
Chapter 3
Present tense of regular “are” verbs
Prepositions (Le preposizioni)
Prepositional contractions (preposizioni articulate)
“Which?” and “What?” (Quale? / Che?)
Chapter 4
Present tense of regular “ere” and “ire”verbs
The Partitive: some, any (alcuni, qualche, un po’di)
“How much?” and cardinal numbers (Quanto?)
Adjectives of quantity (Molto, tanto, troppo, poco, tutto, ogni)
Chapter 5
Present tense of irregular “are” verbs ( andare, dare, stare, fare)
Idiomatic expressions with “fare”
Present tense of irregular “ere” verbs (bere, dovere, volere, potere)
Uses of the verbs “to know” (sapere and conoscere)
Chapter 6
Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns
Present tense of regular “ire” verbs
Present tense of Irregular ”ire” verbs (dire, venire, uscire)
Direct object pronouns (I pronomi diretti: lo, la, li, le)
Chapter 7
The present perfect tense with “avere” (Il passato prossimo con avere)
The present perfect tense with “essere” (Il passato prossimo con essere)
Time (L’ora)
The prepositions: a, in, da, and per
Chapter 8
Present tense of reflexive and reciprocal verbs
The present perfect tense of reflexive and reciprocal verbs (Il passato prossimo con verbi riflessivi e reciproci)
Expressions of time (Espressioni di tempo nel passato)
Chapter 9
The Imperfect tense (L’imperfetto)
Uses of the Imperfect vs the Passato Prossimo
“Da quanto tempo? Da quando?”
The pluperfect tense (Il trapassato prossimo)
Chapter 10
The Imperative (L’imperativo)
Demostrative adjectives and pronouns
Chapter 11
Direct object pronouns
Indirect object pronouns
Direct and indirect object pronouns with infinitives and “Ecco”
Chapter 12
The future tense (il future)
Disjunctive pronouns (I pronomi tonici)
The verb “Piacere” The impersonal “si “ (il si impersonale)
Chapter 13
Uses of “ne”
Uses of “ci”
Double object pronouns
Ordinal numbers
Chapter 14
Present conditional tense (il condizionale presente)
Past conditional tense (il condizionale passato)
Uses of dovere, potere, and volere in conditional
Chapter 15
Comparatives (I comparativi)
Superlatives (I superlativi)
Chapter 16
Relative and indefinite pronouns
Negative Expressions
Il Passato Remoto
The present progressive tense (il gerundio e la forma progressive)
Chapter 17
Present subjunctive (il congiuntivo presente)
Present subjunctive of irregular verbs (il congiuntivo presente dei verbi irregolari)
Past subjunctive (il congiuntivo passato)
Use of suffixes with nouns and pronouns
Chapter 18
Uses of conjunctions with the Subjunctive Tense (Congiunzioni e congiuntivo)
Imperfect Subjective (L’imperfetto del congiuntivo)
Pluperfect Subjunctive (Il Trapassato del congiuntivo)